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Your One Stop Shop 

Please fill out the order form that will gather information relating to your horses' specific needs. You will have the option to make it an herbal/plant-based supplement only or incorporate traditional therapies (for example MSM for joints). Our staff veterinary will then design a supplement specifically for your horse. 

Custom Horse Supplement Order Form

Which supplement type are your interested in for your horse?
Custom supplement (3 categories)
Custom supplement (3 categories)
Pick 3 health categories that are most important for this supplement to address: Up to 3 categories are included for $100 per 30-day supply.
Additional categories (>3) can be added for an additional charge ($10 per 30-day supply). If desired, please choose from the following: THIS WOULD BE IN ADDITION TO THOSE ABOVE

Please allow 7-10 days for supplement to be made and shipped to you. Subsequent orders will be faster once the supplement is designed.

*Disclaimer: please be cautious if using other supplement, check to make sure they do not have any overlapping ingredients that may exceed your horse's daily dose*
*If you marked that your horse is in competition, we will not use any herbs from the banned list. However, these competition agencies recommend stopping any supplements 72 hours prior to competition.*
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